Today we traveled in the morning to visit Alfonse (6 years) and Anthony (4 years), two severely challenged children in a remote area outside of Machakos town. They are the only children to Mutinda and Jackline. According to mom, they were both born normally after normal pregnancies in 2012 and 2014. One was born at home, one born in a Machakos hospital. They were both able to crawl and react normally until the age of about 6 months. There was no known associate illness at that time. They have never received a medical diagnosis.
They went for very informal physical therapy until July 2017 but stopped due to lack of funds and fees for transport. Each boy received PT once per week until that time. The boys are somewhat responsive; crying, staring, and smiling at times. Alfonse has some hearing issues. They cannot feed, sit unassisted, walk, talk, and no toileting. At times, the boys are left alone in the locked house as the father and mother look for work. The house has two rooms and the family all sleep together in one bed.
Mom does small jobs outside the local market, carrying grocery bags for people. She receive about $1.50 on a very good day. Mutinda works cleaning a small slaughter house and brings home $1.20 twice a week. They have a 10ft x 10ft garden to try to grow some vegetables.
We brought food with us for the month. Bread, maize flour, porridge, rice, cooking fat, soaps and milk were the main items.
The two boys will be brought to the O Center in the near future to be assessed by PT, OT, Nutritionist and Pediatrician. A determination regarding the O Center’s future with boys will be done at that time.
The family was given one wheelchair by an old Italian priest! The father carries our food donation down the muddy path.