This Lent, our friends at Archer & Co. Roasters are partnering with The Ed Colina Foundation to support our work through the purchase of their new Kenyan Roast Coffee. The Foundation will receive a percentage of the profits of every bag sold. Visit their website to make a purchase!
A New Video from The Ed Colina Foundation
New solar added to borehole system!
The O Center recently struck water with a newly dug borehole. Currently pipes are being run to the farms and to the Center. The pump used will be powered completely by solar and the pump controlled remotely. This is new technology for us and the surrounding areas! Thanks so much to the donors for their […]
Steve’s Progress
In February 2017, we found Steven, a ten year old mentally handicapped child. He had five other siblings, all healthy. As in many situations, the mother really didn’t know what the problem was, only that her child could not speak and did not recognize her or any family member. Because of hunger, Steven had been […]