1.5 million Kenyan population are elderly persons aged 60 years and above. Conditions are particularly worse in our project locations in the Machakos, Kenya area. In these locations, deteriorating socio-cultural safety-net and economic conditions, and impacts of HIV&AIDS pandemic leave many elderly, and orphans they care for, without traditional family support and financial resources. Elderly grandparents, care for 50% of 1.7 million orphans, yet many are fragile, poor and emotionally vulnerable and so need care and support.
The Ed Colina Foundation provides elderly support and food at our recently constructed Otunga Center or “O” Center. In addition, we have a working four-acre farm in Machakos. Maize, beans and other local crops are grown here. We also manage a large chicken coop and sell eggs and chickens. As another means of income, The Foundation sells beadwork jewelry and other Kenyan items in the US. More